MLK Holiday Weekend Ramblings

Had an interesting weekend with Mom in town; took her to see the sights here in Dallas, including a ride on the M-Line Trolley, a tour of my building (Harwood Center, 1999 Bryan St.) and even went to Mass at the uber-Catholic University of Dallas (not to be confused with Catholic University of America).

I want to highlight the 9 am Mass I attended at UD. First of all, the Church of the Incarnation was renovated in 1985, so it reeks of mid-80s Opus Dei Catholic architecture. The seats are all connected and the prayer kneelers are individual knee pad things that hook up to the seat in front of you.

Church of the Incarnation

Second, most of the worshipers gathered at Mass gave off that “holier than thou” vibe, which I don’t approve of. I’m at Mass to reflect on the gifts Jesus has blessed me with and to reflect on my week and praise Him for my friends and family – I am not here to win “Catholic of the Month.” For all I care, that award goes to my friend and Jesuit-in-training Vince Giacabazi, and he has won it every month since 1996, and deservedly so – the guy oozes the Good Word.

Thirdly, I felt like I didn’t get anything out of the Mass because I was so worried about how Catholic I appeared to the rest of the congregation. The liturgy was composed primarily by this guy, and it was strange to note that one of the Eucharistic Ministers wasn’t wearing any shoes or socks, in this the year of our Lord H1N1.

I am admittedly not a fan of this liturgy and church, so this coming Sunday, I will revert back to Mass at Our Lady of Guadeloupe for the body and blood and .89 Double Beef Burritos. Jesus is bueno.

This is the word of the Lord.

Hot Pockets.

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